Courage. Sacrifice. Justice. Movies these days draw on these elements for a more interesting story: the more sensational, the better. … Right? But what about the truly astounding stories that remain quietly shared between family and friends? What about the truth that we don’t get to see on the big screen, but that is perhaps even harder to believe than fiction?
Finding Courage: OUT NOW on RISE TV
A former journalist for the Chinese Communist Party, Yifei Wang, living in exile in San Francisco struggles to settle into life in America while working to heal her family’s wounds from their tragic past. She is seeking justice for the murder of her sister at the hands of the Chinese authorities.
Rare, undercover footage of a meeting with the director of the labor camp where Yifei’s sister was killed reveals shocking admissions of torture, slave labor, corruption, and a general disregard for human life pervading the camp system today.
Exclusive interviews with former Chinese Communist Party officials provide a unique insight into the hidden world of terror that many Chinese citizens live without ever knowing that life can, and does, exist with freedom outside their world.
This documentary brought truths to light in such an inspiring way that it won multiple awards:
➤Winner: Reel East Texas Festival
➤Remi Winner: 53rd WorldFest Houston
➤Winner: Accolade Global Film Competition
➤Winner: MLC Awards
➤Winner: The American Film Award
➤Semi-Finalist: New York Cinematography Awards
➤Honorable Mention: Santa Monica
➤Best Feature: Jersey Shore
“I left everything behind. If I can’t expose what they did to us, then all of our suffering will be for nothing.”
Watch the full film NOW on RISE TV.
Hard to Believe: OUT NOW on RISE TV
It’s hard to believe that doctors would kill for profit. It’s even harder to believe that major media are not investigating. Watch this award-winning insight into why the world is ignoring China’s mass-market sale of human organs.
It’s happened before: governments killing their own citizens for their political or spiritual beliefs. But it’s never happened like this. It’s happened so often that the world doesn’t always pay attention. But is economic influence the reason that this time, it’s going largely unreported?
Why are innocent people being carved up so their organs can be sold? A rising volume of victims is left in its wake. And it’s still happening today.
This documentary astounded audiences, winning 18 film awards, including:
➤Best Documentary: Hoboken International Film Festival
➤Official Selection: international Free Thought Film Festival
➤Official Selection: Docs Without Borders Film Festival
➤Official Selection: STIFF Seattle Transmedia & Independent Film Festival
➤Award Winner: London Film Awards
➤Best Film Editing: Global Cinema Film Festival of Boston
➤2017 Official Selection: The People’s Film Festival
“It is not up for discussion as to whether murder for parts is taking place; it’s now just a question of whether we’re going to continue to put up with it.”
Watch the full film NOW on RISE TV.
Why should I watch these movies?
The Chinese Communist Party lied to the world. They covered up evidence of their human rights abuses and initiated an extensive propaganda campaign to feign innocence. The CCP continues to deny wrongdoing to this day and even now—right this very minute as you read this—it is persecuting China’s people.
It’s time the world learned the truth. By watching these films, Finding Courage and Hard to Believe, YOU can be informed, YOU can bring awareness to the atrocities, and YOU can help bring them to an end.
Imagine what would happen if we all stood up for justice.
Where can I learn more about the CCP’s coverup and the truth about Communism?
We compiled a short list of TV shows and movies, news resources, political and medical initiatives, and books and reports that reveal the truth. We encourage you to do your own research to find even more information, and share it with others.
TV & Movies
➤The True Roots of Communism series
From Marx, Lenin, and Stalin to Mao, Xi Jinping, and Jiang Zemin, the story goes deeper than we ever learned in school. You may know of the failed ideology of communism, but not many know the true history of WHY and HOW Karl Marx wrote his manifesto. Was he acting alone, or was a shadow group involved in its origin? And why have so many been misled by this evil ideology?
➤Reject, a short film
Reject is the story of an American businessman who learns the brutal mistake of what can go wrong after making a deal with China.
➤Infiltration, an America on the Edge exclusive episode
Throughout the ages, there have been those who seek freedom and those who seek to destroy it. Like parasites. When the steps for infiltration are repeated over and over in different settings and times, can we see them play out even today?
The media company was founded in the United States in 2000 in response to communist repression and censorship in China. Its founders, Chinese-Americans who fled communism, sought to create an independent media to bring the world uncensored and truthful information. The Epoch Times has received numerous awards for their reporting and design.
This all-volunteer organization operates Minghui.org. It publishes first-hand reports from across China and serves as a central communication hub to expose the persecution faced inside China and comment on its ramifications. It is closely watched by Chinese regime officials.
Politics & Medicine
➤A resolution was introduced to Congress condemning the CCP’s practice of non-consenting organ harvesting and called on them to immediately end the practice.
➤A congressional hearing was held on Organ Harvesting of Religious and Political Dissidents by the Chinese Communist Party before the Committee of Foreign Affairs; human rights chairpeople; and the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights. Doctors against forced organ harvesting spoke.
➤Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting promotes ethics in medicine. They are medical doctors of various specialties from all over the world. They provide the medical community with objective findings of unethical and illegal organ harvesting.
For recognition of upholding ethical practices in medicine, Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.
➤The US Department of State in 2021 condemned the atrocities in Xinjiang and called out the CCP for their crimes, including “the arbitrary imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty of more than one million civilians, forced sterilization, torture of a large number of those arbitrarily detained, forced labor, and the imposition of draconian restrictions on freedom of religion or belief, freedom of expression, and freedom of movement.” It also called out the CCP’s genocide against the Muslim Uyghurs with forced labor and coercive population control.
Books & Reports
➤The 2016 Minghui Human Rights Report compiled data on the atrocities committed by the CCP. The comprehensive report detailed evidence of coverups, profitability from organ harvesting, organ matching issues, reactions from the CCP, testimonies from survivors and former inmates, and more.
➤Bloody Harvest, also known as the Kilgour–Matas Report, was a 140-page investigative report into allegations of live, forced organ harvesting in China. It concluded that the allegations were true and that the large number of organs transplanted there since 1999 could not possibly have been provided by voluntary donors or executed prisoners.
➤Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party
“This series, which detail[s] the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) propaganda, persecution, famine, massacre, tyranny, and censorship over half a century, [has] led more than 300 million Chinese [people] to renounce the communist party and its affiliated organizations, fostering an unprecedented peaceful movement for transformation and change in China. “
PDF and Online versions available
➤How the Specter of Communism is Ruling Our World
This “is a must-read for every freedom-loving individual. The book reveals the ways in which the communist specter has burrowed into the minds of today’s people. It charts communism’s global advance and explains how this specter has embedded itself in nearly every facet of today’s society — from education to the judicial system — and the path humanity must take to escape its grip. ‘It should be emphasized that nearly all people in the world, especially those who attended college after the 1960s, have been exposed to communist influences.’”
Serialized Adaptation of the Book
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You can gift a subscription to RISE TV for $9.99/month or for a custom number of months. Email us at [email protected] for assistance. This will grant access to these two films, as well as even more RISE TV content. The more we can spread the word about the truth, the quicker things can change.